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About Us

Strata Management With A Difference


Just like our name we strive to be Superior in the customer services we provide.


At Superior Strata we believe that Knowledge is Power. 


All of our strata managers complete their professional development training courses on a yearly basis.  All staff either have their Strata Management Agency Licence or a Certificate of Registration allowing them to legally work in the strata management sector.




Strata Data

What is Strata?

Strata also referred to as Strata Title, is a system that was introduced to Australia in 1961 for handling the legal ownership of a section referred to as a “lot” of a building or structure.  These “lots” can be applied to many different property types including units, townhouses, villas, resorts, commercial offices, factories and warehouses, retirement villages and retail shops to name a few.


Principal Legislation

The Strata Scheme's Management Act 2015 (SSMA) and the Strata Schemes Management Regulations  (SSMR) are the two main pieces of legislation that govern the operation of the all strata schemes in New South Wales.

© 2014 Superior Strata

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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